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时间:2022-02-09 13:47:13  浏览次数:







  在教学上,我 以“实干巧干,精益求精”作为自己的信条,尤其是__年我应聘到米市街小学以后,在新课改的浪潮中砺炼自己,在语文教学中形成了“随意自然”的教学风格,多次受邀到乡镇小学为乡镇老师献课,接待了好几批来我校学习,到我班听课的乡镇老师。__年我当时教中学语文,参加了在孝儿举行的珙县中学语文教师讲课赛,我荣获二等奖。受珙县教师进修校的邀请,我先后两次为两届珙县青年骨干教师培训班上示范课。__年我参加宜宾市网络远程教育讲课赛,获得宜宾市三等奖。从教以来,我除了认真搞好教育教学工作,还积极进行教学科研,利用课余时间撰写了许多教育教学论文,论文多次获得国家级、市县级奖励。课余时间我还泼墨挥毫,潜心研习书法和国画,并加入了珙县书法家协会,与书画界同仁一起用自己的实际行动为繁荣珙县的书画事业作出自己的贡献!我是一个正直的、有爱心的青年,三年了,我通过希望工程资助汾洞村二社的贫困学生张焰完成了初中学业,现在这个孩子已考上了中坝高级中学,我用自己并不丰厚的薪水,还将继续支持她,支持她完成高中学业,成为一个自食其力的、对社会有用的人!


























































  Dear leaders and colleagues

  hello everyone!

  First of all, I thank our uperiors for providing us with this opportunity of fair competition and self-training. I hope that through my competitive speech, the leaders can have a comprehensive understanding and understanding of me and can get the trust and support of all of you. The first volunteer I"ve been competing for this time is the head of operations.

  1、 First of all, I will discuss the advantages of competing for cash and anti money laundering

  Since I have been working for XX years, I have experienced the glorious process of Qilu bank from credit cooperatives to commercial banks. It is a decade of continuous reform of our bank, and also a decade of continuous growth and progress. I have been familiar with our work environment, accumulated rich working experience, loved my own work, and had strong sense of career and responsibility. With good political and moral quality, familiar with the financial policies of the state, the rules and regulations of the bank and the cash business process, and the bank has solid skills and skills.

  2、 Have rich practical experience

  I have worked in the comprehensive post of cashier security department for many years, and have been familiar with the responsibilities, tasks and operation procedures of the post. I basically have the work quality and ability of a post supervisor. Facing the new starting point, I can ask for advice with open heart, be familiar with the business and quickly invest in all the work of the new post, The work experience and management experience accumulated in the original department will be fully applied to the current work.

  3、 Re comb the system

  In the operation Department for more than half a year, the operation Department has rearranged a series of rules and regulations such as large amount cash management, anti money laundering management and business seal management, completed XX teller training and checking work, organized anti fake publicity month and anti money laundering publicity activities, organized the banknote checking skill training and cash counting technical competition of the whole bank teller, and studied and thought more frequently in the work, I have completed all the tasks assigned by the leaders well. Under the strict requirements of the leaders, I think I have further improved in business management, coordination of organizational ability, and strategies for problem handling.

  4、 Plans after the competition

  First of all, I think that to further improve their own quality, as a post supervisor, we should have high professional quality and management experience. I should not only know all the work of this post, but also be familiar with the professional work, and have sensitivity and insight. At the same time, we should also assist the leaders in the work of the Department and be the staff and assistant of the leaders.

  Second, improve the business operation process of its own work, consider the management of large amount of cash and anti money laundering from the perspective of risk prevention, update the working concept, not only how to meet the regulatory requirements of the regulatory department, but how to find risks from business operation, minimize the risk occurrence probability, and strengthen the inspection and supervision of sub branch business, We should stress working methods and improve work efficiency and quality.

  Third, the cash management of advanced banks is investigated, the daily average cash inventory of the bank is reasonably calculated according to the requirements of our quasi business department, the feasibility of improving cash management by scientific and technological means is discussed, the advanced experience of cash management of other banks is introduced, and the daily average cash inventory proportion of the bank is reduced to a limit, so as to realize cash asset income.

  If the competition is unsuccessful, it means that there is still a gap between myself. I will find out the deficiencies, improve actively, do my own work as always, obey the organization and distribution, and continue to make positive contributions to the future of our bank.

  My speech is over. Thank you all!


  Dear leaders, judges and comrades

  hello everyone!

  My name is XX. I am XX, a member of the Communist Party of China, and I am studying in undergraduate course. I have been working in banking for years. He was the former customer manager of the urban bank of the Bank branch and now he is running for the position of vice president of the Bank branch. Let me introduce my basic information:

  After my retirement from the army in, I entered the county sub branch banking office in the year, and I have successively engaged in accounting, credit, administrative secretary and other work. Although I have only high school education, I have always insisted on self-study. Since, I began to study undergraduate correspondence in university major, and joined the glorious XX of China in. Since joining the bank, I have been honored as advanced individual for many times, with diligence and dedication. It is the stage that the bank has given me to grow and succeed, and I am willing to fight for the development of the bank for a lifetime!

  I am competing for the position of vice president, vice president is the president"s close assistant and partner. Its main responsibilities are: to assist the president in performing management functions, assisting decision-making and participating in decision-making. Assist the president in daily affairs and be the chief of staff and assistant. As the saying goes, "iron fighting needs to be hard", and the experience, quality and talent of vice president are required to compete for the position of vice president. I have many advantages in bidding for this position:

  1、 I have honest and upright character and good ideological and moral cultivation

  In my work, I have always taken "love work, dedication and pioneering work" as my motto. Whatever I do, I put my career on my heart, and I have been responsible for it. I have been committed to my work. For many years, the support and help of leaders and colleagues have made me dare to adhere to the principles, preside over justice, handle justice, work in a decent manner, be realistic and pragmatic, Broad minded, modest and tolerant style.

  2、 Strong working and management ability

  I have been engaged in cashier, savings, accounting, customer manager and other jobs in the past ten years. Every job and experience have benefited me a lot, and my working ability has been improved constantly. Especially since I was the customer manager, I have accumulated a lot of management experience, with strong organizational ability, management ability, communication and coordination ability. Take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all leaders and colleagues who care and support my growth!

  3、 Diligent and good at learning, and have a "strong" in business

  In the long-term banking work, I have been engaged in too many post work exercises. No matter in business study or business governance, I always insist on learning where I go, learn from leaders, learn from professionals, learn from peers, learn from practice, and do not leave questions for myself. I was a soldier. When I was working, I started from the basic cash order and plan to study on the market. In three months, I changed from a layman to a versatile man, and mastered the rules and regulations and business processes of accounting and credit posts. Besides correspondence courses and leisure time, I also actively study myself and constantly "charge" myself, which has accumulated a set of mature working ideas and methods in my long-term business work, and also have my own opinions and methods in governance and reform;

  Looking back, every step I have taken has penetrated the training of the organization, all of which have gathered the attention of the leaders, and the silent dedication of all colleagues and subordinates. I think vice president is not only an attractive position, but also a heavy responsibility. If the leaders and comrades trust me, I will continue to make greater contributions to the bank in my new position. Specifically, I will do my work in the following aspects:

  1. It is to assist the president with all efforts, and to do a good job of assistant and staff. We should recognize the role and position; Be a good staff member with overall situation; Obey the leadership and be a good assistant. We should exercise power without exceeding power, obey the blind obedience, do not overstep in place, and make up the platform without breaking down the Taiwan, and do our best to divide the worries for the leaders and serve the masses. As vice president, I will unite comrades, listen to the voice of all, make more investigation and research, timely and accurately grasp the work trends of the bank in all aspects, timely and accurately feedback all aspects of information to the leaders of the bank, and enhance the predictability of work. At the same time, with a global concept, can stand in the perspective of the overall work of sub branches to see problems and think about problems, from the big point of view, small point of view, do well in each work within the division.

  2. It is to expand business and promote effective development. Development is the hard truth. We should implement the national regulation and control measures and support the policies of "three rural areas", focus on business expansion, strengthen the publicity of banking financial policies, maintain the existing high-quality customers, make full use of existing resources, strengthen foreign publicity, vigorously implement customer marketing strategy, and fully tap potential customer resources. To provide different services for different enterprise customers, it is convenient to stand in the customer"s perspective. The existing market is not allowed to let the market, and the potential market is in a position to compete. In short, we should fully tap the potential and advantages of our bank, strive to attract deposits, lend loans and bank intermediate business, and make rapid progress.

  3. It is to strengthen the construction of staff team and improve the cohesion and centripetal force of the staff. I think: as the vice president of the sub branch, in addition to developing business, we should also lead a good team, be responsible for the growth of employees and provide good development space for the employees. First, we should give more humanistic care to employees, try to solve the difficulties for the employees, give more praise and encouragement to the employees in the work, and create a relaxed and harmonious working atmosphere in the unit. Secondly, we should organize more staff to carry out various training, help and improve the organizational skills, financial products and marketing skills, and form a good learning atmosphere in the Department. Meanwhile, strengthen communication and cooperation between departments and offices, strengthen the cohesion, centripetal force and team spirit of staff, enhance the collective sense of honor and pride of the staff, unite the staff of the whole bank closely, and strive in a common direction under the leadership of the branch leadership.

  I believe: there is no desperate situation in the world, only those who are desperate. Through this competition, I would like to work hard in the future, based on my own position, professional research business, hard work. stay

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